It’s snow lie that this year has flown by, I can’t quite believe that in a few short weeks we will be tucking into a plate of the finest Turkey with all the trimmings, minus the Brussel Sprouts, hopefully.
Like most people I struggle to come up with creative ideas at Christmas, but for the past few years I have created my very own Christmas jumpers. One of my favourites is a somewhat beautiful Christmas tree design. Whenever I’ve worn this jumper people always comment. Whether they are genuinely complimenting my Christmas costume or openly taking the piss, I don’t care. It got them talking and I know I look good wearing it. These jumpers are great if you like to adorn yourself in tat, or alternatively, they make a wonderful gift for a loved-one (or not so-loved, depending on how superior your sewing abilities are). They are surprisingly easy to make, and most importantly are easy on the purse. We all know that things always seem to be a little ‘Deer over the festive season, so it makes perfect Frankin’sense to get creative and make one of your own! (Sorry, I will stop with the terrible puns soon, promise).
What you will need:
- An old sweatshirt, or buy a cheap one. I’m using a childs school jumper. No, not their current school jumper, even if it is for a good Clause.
- 1/2 Metre of green felt (avoid the felt squares if possible, they are not quite big enough!)
- Beaded string (1/2 a metre should be plenty)
- Any other tacky attachables - Glittery pom poms look amazing and are easy to attach. Don’t forget a star for the top of the tree too!
- Mince pies and mulled wine, these are very important materials.
Step 1: On a piece of card, ideally an old Christmas card to tie in with the festive theme, draw out half a Christmas tree, fold and cut so you have the perfect symmetrical tree. Position on the felt, draw around and cut out.
Step 2: Relocate to the kitchen, crack open the mulled wine and gently begin to heat.
Step 3: Arrange your decorations onto your felt tree and pin into place. The wine should be almost ready now, so grab a mince pie and pour yourself a glass. Double up some green thread and get stitching! The Pom Poms will be secure with approximately 5 stitches and the beaded string usually needs about two. (Hold off on the star, like a real tree, this will be the last step.)
Step 4: When all tat is securely sewn, lay your newly embellished tree onto your sweatshirt and loosely pin down.
Step 5: Turn up your Cliff Richard Christmas hits and sew the tree onto your jumper. If you have a sewing machine, use it. If not, then give it your best hand stitching a go. - It doesn’t have to be perfect, believe me, the stitching is the last thing people will look at.
Step 6: Sit back, breathe and maybe have another mince pie. This sewing is a fiddly business, especially after 3 glasses of mulled wine.
Step 7: Grab the star, pin into position at the top of the tree and sew.
...Congratulations, you should now hopefully have finished the first piece in your very own Festive Fashion line. If you’re lucky enough to have anymore wine left in the pan, treat yourself to a celebratory glass and admire your efforts!
I guess that just about wraps things up for now.